El regalo perfecto para compartir una tarjeta a la vez o como un juego completo. Permítanos ENVIAR DIRECTAMENTE su pedido a su lista este año.
¿Qué es un 'juego' de cartas de pensamiento de Dios?
40 tarjetas planas brillantes y perspicaces con las escrituras en un lado y una cita inspiradora de apoyo en el otro. La obra de arte es de Zac Soesbee y las citas son escritas por Stacy James. Fácil de transportar y fácil de compartir.
Únase al movimiento de las Cartas del Pensamiento de Dios.
The perfect gift shared one card at a time or as a complete set. Allow us to DIRECT SHIP your order to your list this year.
What is a 'set' of God Thought Cards?
40 bright and insightful flat cards with scripture on one side and a supporting inspirational quote on the other. The artwork is by Zac Soesbee and quotes are authored by Stacy James. Easy to carry and easy to share.
Join the God Thought Cards movement.
SPANISH Classic Set of 40 Inspirational God Thought Cards
These cards are intended to be a blessing from the person who owns this set to whoever he or she chooses to pass them on to. All of the cards have been prayed over. The words on each card are intended to speak something unique and profound into the heart of the person who receives it.
The artwork is a gift that God breathed into Zacariah’s spirit as a talent. As Zacariah paints, God’s love flows through the colors and the brush strokes. The scriptures were selected to compliment the message of the card.
The purpose for our God Thought Cards is clear. His Word is alive and active and as each recipient selects a card or is given a card, God’s Love and direction will continue to permeate the world in which we live.