Victory is Upon Us
Sometimes when God acts, it’s undeniable. This is one of those times.
32 year old Zacariah is a pure hearted young man that lives without the use of his legs and has limited use of only one hand. His vision qualifies for ‘Services for the Blind’.
A few years back, Zacariah expressed an interest in painting. He began with a modest lot of colors and a large canvas, rotating the canvas as he painted as he was unable to reach across. The paintings were bright, colorful, and though they often required explanation, conveyed meaning, joy and hope.
He painted and painted and painted. All the while, Zacariah was battling very loud voices in his mind that continued to describe his circumstances as hopeless and proclaimed him as unworthy. Many days were ended with bursts of anger and dark words. Evil was pursuing Zac’s thoughts to prevent what God had already won. Zacariah stood his ground and he painted.
On the other side of the street was a uniquely talented woman named Stacy James. Stacy has reached a pinnacle position in her field and through years of living in excellence and authenticity created a platform to speak publicly and internationally to thousands of primarily women audiences. Her knack for bringing truth in an unforgettable way and tieing God’s undeniable foundations to her message is legendary.
One of Stacy’s favorite things to do as a way to connect and to inspire is to present a handful of quote cards to someone and ask them to select one as a gift. The recipient selects a card and reads it’s message. These exchanges have produced thousands of immediate life changing moments. May God be praised.
The quote cards Stacy used were store bought and did not included scripture. While they were effective, she always wanted to create a set of cards with her own quotes and back the messages with Scripture. While Stacy had hundreds of quotes of her own to share, she wanted artwork on her cards that would bolster her message and be purposeful in its origin.
Through prayer, Stacy was led to ask Heather to assist her with some creative projects. One of the projects Stacy shared with Heather was her desire for her own quote cards and her vision for the art that she needed. Being Zacariah’s Mother, Heather knew just what to do. She produced a few card prototypes and presented them to Stacy without revealing that the art was her son’s paintings.
Stacy was moved by the art. She consulted her mentors and friends and quickly decided that this was the art she needed for her cards. Over the course of a few weeks, Zacariah’s art was paired with Stacy’s quotes and accompanying scripture and God Thought Cards were born. Forty colorful, original art, Stacy James quote cards in a metal tin.
God is not sometimes working on our behalf. He is always working on our behalf.
The battle is won. Victory is upon us.

Every card is prayed over. Every set is blessed.
Every exchange is in His time.
We are called to inspire, encourage and connect.